IBM Cognos TM1 versions

Cognos TM1 is a complete enterprise planning solution
Mar 19, 2010
Dec 19, 2008
Feb 26, 2010

What's new

v9.5 [Jun 3, 2009]
TM1 9.1.4 Server Crash Multi User Cube Access
PM25488 TM1 Fragments can't be configured to work with a C8 AIX Server
PM24584 Unable to change rights for groups with ampersand
PM19198 Display issue in TM1 Cube viewer portlet when enlarging window
PM07066 3 TM1-Server Crashes of production environment today
PK97924 TM1 TI Process Conflict with SaveDataAll funciton - Rollback occurs
PK97923 TM1 Server crash after TI update and any MDX read
PK94965 TM1 server crash opening a particular view
PK97726 Perspectives - Copying value to DBRA formula causes TM1 DB to crash
PK99865 SAP RFC: Version -dependent hierarchies can not be selected separate
PM02073 replication and Sync is not writing back value to the star server
PK99731 Disable 'Cancel' button on View Recalc in 9.1 client
PM11666 TM1 server crash when cube handle which is invalid
PM08658 TM1 9.1 FP1 HF7 New Crash
PM10441 TM1 9.1.4 FP1 HF7 New Crash - M1 Build Number: 9.1.40107.64744 - Hot Fix 7
PM01078 Server Hang - deadlock involving chores
PM13886 TM1 Server hang if TI function to delete cube is run and stargate is built before process completes
PM14179 TM1 Server Hang because the transaction log is corrupted
PM06154 TM1 Server Crash after SaveDataAll
PM06156 TM1 Server Crash related to the use of UDC's
PM09190 TM1 Server Hang 9.1 Sp4 FP1 HF9
PK97921 Unlike 9.0, 9.1 TM1 subsets not saved after timeout/crash
PK94904 Repeat Leaves & Equal Spread Leaves Does Not work when STET Rule is Applied
PM01524 Port to 941FP2HF32 Zimmer TM1 server crash/hang 9.4.1fp2_hotfix7
PM26799 TM1 9.4.1 FP3 HF10 Server Crash
PM00490 Tm1 server hang dead lock 9.4.1fp2_hf7
PM20614 Subset editor empty and showing "TOUT" instead of a subset name
PM02333 TM1 Server: - calculating N and C level views in the same TI and on the same cube lock the entire server against writes
PM20171 Server: repetitive production crashes
PM04305 941FP2 HF35 still has locking issues
PM05229 x64 Build: - Update 7 HF2 Tm1 server crash
PM15980 TM1 Server hangs when executing a chore with EnableBulkLoadMode
PM05399 TM1 Server crash - Element Array corruption
PM14330 Consolidate and relaunch the TM1 SAP BW RFC Connector for SAP NetWeaver BI 7 (aka BW 7)
PM13462 X64 - 941FP3: TM1 server crash deleting private views
PM12452 Excel crashes or hangs upon connecting to the server
PM11249 Export from a view is not exporting all of the data expected
PM10649 TM1 Server does not prevent an old client from crash a newer server
PM26961 TM1 Server crash because of invalid rule statement
PM08792 TM1 database is freezing when selecting members of org dimension
PM25573 Tm1 Rep and Sync: No records being pulled down during a R&S
PK94692 Application worksheet containing SUBNM formula with "Allow Cell Write Back from Web" unchecked prevents ALL users from logging into TM1Web
PM23731 Rep/Sync need proper error messaging when dimension replication fails
PK99782 Since 9.4 : export view takes indefinite time with big cubes having rules
PM20274 TM1Web: values pasted from Excel to Tm1web is not complete
PM18374 Mis-Alignment of columns in TM1 Web
PM26579 TM1 Performance issue when moving a row header to a title element
PM05097 Replication - server crash with rep/synch while running a TI that inserts and element w/attribute
PM15688 Users no longer have access to the 'Export as Text Data' option
PM02255 TM1 Excel 2007 crash using active form during column insertion
PM14017 TM1Web: Wrong Alias-assignment to elements in TM1Web-Cubeview
PM06667 Read Performance Queries Taking a Long Time
PM06315 TM1 Server: TI process taking 2 minutes in 9.0 takes over 30 in 9.4.1.FP2.HF16
PM13553 TM1Web: misaligned data across freeze-panes
PM08504 Excel crashing when launching the Subset Editor
PM07961 Paging erroneously invoked when rebuilding a Websheet containing an Active Form
PM07691 Alias name are lost in TM1 9.4.1 FP3
PM10206 TM1: server crash when opening a view with a particular user and security setup
PM09408 Calculation for startgate view does not render quickly until certain element is displayed
PM09520 Perspectives: recalculating worksheet with API code crashes Excel in 9.4.1.FP3 - worked in 8.2.6 and 9.1.4
PM10379 TM1 Server crash - API ISB issue
PM09145 TM1: misaligned cells across freeze-frames
PM09246 Tm1 server crash running TI process causes Memory explosion
PK90524 SPREADING on 9.4.1 : Spreading failed due to conflicts with rules
PK91530 TM1Web: An Error Occurred While Calculating Chart Series Information
PM26785 TM1 ProcessData does not detect errors in input file
PK93165 TM1Web/Excel Formatting ignored
PK95854 TM1Web -Unable to enter c or h or r### into string cell in a websheet
PM20547 Make websheet UDC functions consistent with Excel - no custom rollup and subset created rollup should work when in websheet
PM19750 Excel Client (new API) Locking Causing Writer Starvation
PM18514 Pick Dimension window shows repeated dimension names using Excel 2007
PM06646 ISB - is only showing a max of 16,398 rows
PM17791 TM1Web - Sselector - Unable to show or hide the Subset Editor button for a given title dimension
PM16581 Perspectives -Excel crash when rebuilding with large dimension
PM14999 Perspectives - Active Form with DBRW shows blank cells
PM14324 The TM1 SAP BW RFC Connector for SAP BW 7 truncates medium text values having a fixed length of 40 chars after 30 chars
PM06734 Perspectives - Double Quote in Dimension Worksheet corrupts Element
PM06780 Perspectives - VUSLICE TM1 function threw error 1004 within japanese environment
PM11622 TM1Web -Copy Issue from Excel Sheet into Websheet- Error: Not a number : Please use *.* as Decimal separator and *,* as thousand separator.
PM11397 TM1Server crash 9.4.1fp2_hotFix_18 x64bit
PM09005 Perspectives -Subset editor does not return to the launching application when cancelled
PM14938 TM1Web: CAM with cookieless=true disables access via TM1Web
PM21513 Perspectives - Excel2007 - TM1 Ribbon loses descriptions
PM13885 TM1 API - TM1ObjectAttributeValuesSet showing error [37] ObjectAttributeInvalidType
PM11015 TM1 clients Architect and Perspectives crash when opening a view
PM10592 Workflow - during first recalculation of a protected sheet prompt to unprotect sheet
PM26138 UDC- in a dimension having element security assignments the UDC and Rollup functions fail to work when execetud by a non-ADMIN user.
PM28792 TM1Web - Operation failed error opening cube viewer with non-admin user
PM27495 TI - crashes TM1 server during execution of 9th process
PM25706 TM1 Server crashing when editing dimension in Architect
PM25633 Performance (analysis studio, query studio, cognos viewer) significantly deteriorate when executed as a consumer who has TM1 cell based security applied
PM25843 Performance - Cell Secuirty Read Lock Performance Impact
PM25816 TM1 Server crashing when working in Contributor
PM25495 TI - process generated by the TM1 SAP BW RFC Connector is corrupt after it is opened a second time in the TI Editor
PM25043 TM1 Server Crash - string value and sandbox corruption
PM24299 TM1Web: scrolling with an open TM1 picklist causes the drop-down to float with the scroll, doesn't stay anchored to the cell it's attached to
PM22931 TI - Server crash when running TI process
PM21794 Tm1Web - Firefox One char can be typed
PM21278 TM1 Server Crash - Transaction log corruption
PM13013 TM1Web - Websheet losing selections due to dynamic subsets
PM06210 TM1 Server: recalculating worksheet locks up server and crashes Excel
PM30813 TM1-Architect crashes if using the TM1PackageConnector
PK92963 TM1web performance - data entry is very slow generating multiple Application_BeginRequest
PM29488 TM1PackageConnector: ShowNamespace doesn’t work correctly
PM29018 TM1 server - crashing when CubeUnload followed by CubeProcessFeeders against the same cube in the same TI process
PM28285 TM1Web - When pasting value with embedded commas into multiple cells, commas are removed
PM27993 TM1 server - crash when validating or saving rules after modification
PM28427 TM1 Server - TI DimensionDestroy causes crash
PK93240 Doc - Adobe Acrobat Reader as a requirement should be documented in the Installation Guide
PM25672 TM1: server crash on load due to large .pro file
PM01676 Tm1Web -When the zoom in or zoom out feature is used on a websheet, the picklist drop down arrows become displaced in the window.
PM24814 TM1Web - Websheet Rebuild should reset the paging toolbar values to the default Paging values
PM24264 Tm1Web - Customer cannot cut and paste into TM1, gets VB runtime error
PM23841 TM1Server - Queries against "Transaction Log" are not reading/processing/using the "End Time" provided in the query
PM23737 Tm1Web - Cells become misaligned when scrolling through Excel Websheet with Freeze Panes
PM23413 TM1Web: Paging set but not returning proper information
PM23694 TM1 Workflow and Websheet Cells not syncing on page load
PM23667 TM1Web: picklists coupled freeze-panes casuses the picklist dropdown to appear in the wrong spot
PM23659 TM1Web: formatting is lost when changing the view
PM17301 Drill through issue during navigation cube to cube
PM23851 TM1 Web Row misalignment in with cell wrapping enabled
PM23315 Perspectives - Excel crashes when unchecking "Supress zeroes"
PM23422 Tm1Web - Row Headers become misaligned when doing a Find (Ctrl F) in Internet Explorer
PM22680 TM1 Server Crash During Server Start - TM1TransactionLog::Initialize: Failed open write while performing append check on the transaction log.
PM21941 TM1 Server crash when loading Contributor
PM22268 TM1Web Column header width is not matched with row in that column
PK99762 Perspectives - Edit Formula Function In Excel prefixes cell references with workbook name and sheet name
PM21809 TM1Web - Extra characters are added when copy and paste from Excel
PM21501 TM1 Workflow Client for TM1Web does not show tasks for which users are responsible
PM20655 Doc: current description of job-queuing is inaccurate
PM23155 TM1 Websheet headers not Recalculating with WebsheetPaging enabled
PM01251 TM1 : user name is not logged when TM1 server is started with windows service
PM20437 Tm1web - ability to filter by attribute is not available - "Select value to match" does not get populated
PM19611 TM1Web - Dynamic subsets do not work
PM20099 Doc - PDFCamp is not accurately represented in the on-line documents
PM20033 Default Private views no longer take precident over Public views
PM19860 TM1Web - Exporting to excel- error Excel could not open the Xml spreadsheet:Exception from HRESULT: 0x800A03EC
PM17063 TI: In some cases BatchUpdateFinish(0) doesn’t commit the data
PM17333 Perspectives - Picklist display on a client workstation is slow
PM17332 TM1Web - Cursor jumps to first column of a view when selecting an element from a column picklist that is off the viewable page
PM16821 TM1 Server crash (Solaris)
PM26346 Doc - Additional information on using a DataSaveAll should be contained in the TM1 Turbointegrator Guide on PDF
PM15757 SAP BW: At the characteristic-restrictions, the german-signs don’t work correctly
PM14227 Active Form - Freeze pane causes picklist to open behind the frozen area instead in front
PM18707 TM1 Workflow wrong display of cyrillic characters
PM13064 TM1Web - freeze Pane in Firefox - scrolling does not synchronize between the Headers and Rows
PM11164 TM1Web simple conditional format in active form dont work
PM07392 TM1Server - Possible Memory Leak in 941 FP2 onwards
PM09820 Perspectives - start of TM1 Perspectives on Excel 2007 creates a new empty file "LOG_.WIN" in Excel's Default File Location
PM13653 VBA API code runs slower in 9.5 versus 9.4.MR1.FP1
PM28503 Doc - Cannot run tm1perfmon.exe in Windows 2008 due to install method
PK97920 TI -Cannot delete parameters from TI process in 9.4
PM25800 Formatting not consistent between thick client and web client
PM25918 TM1-Server- crash due to UDC
PM04353 Doc - Mixed Mode Security nothing to do with LDAP authentication
PM26680 TI - Unable to run two specific processes in parallel
PK93940 TM1 Server Hang due to folder memory leak in folder creation
PM25370 TI chore not displaying parameter question when set to run
PM24378 TM1Web -opening a websheet a second time fails with MSIE error message "SandboxQuery is undefined".
PM16871 TI - Processes run successfully independently but when run within a chore it crashes TM1 if StringGlobalVariable is used in the second process of a chore
PM24281 Tm1Web - Excel comments do not appear
PK95070 TI - Bogus error message thrown
PM24506 TM1Web - VLOOKUP in Websheet causing #ERR! on Web, works in Perspectives/Excel
PM23614 TM1Web: scrolling with an open TM1 picklist causes the drop-down to float with the scroll
PM23588 TM1Web: Paging turned on only returns 1 row
PM23519 Perspectives - TM1 Print report wizard "An invalid argument was encountered" error
PM19988 Doc - Inconsistent client message port number
PM22750 Sort in TM1Web does not work the same as Excel
PK99593 Doc - TODAY function has no example
PM22104 The TM1 C API function TM1ObjectAttributeValuesSet cannot process Unicode characters
PM22101 Doc - Missing documentation on how to setup Integrated Login for TM1 Web 9.5 running on Windows Server 2008 and IIS 7
PM20656 TM1Web - "Operation Failed" error in opening the web sheet having images on the first sheet of xls file
PM21110 Perspectives - Drill Through functionality doesn’t work
PM21069 TM1Web - Text disappears on Action Button formatted as a hyperlink
PM20362 Architect - crash after editing parameter in tm1p.ini file
PM20357 Doc - TM1 Persistent Feeders parameter is wrong in 951
PM20676 Doc - Missing documentation on version compatibility of TM1 Web 9.5.1
PM20668 Package Connector - Selecting a measure with German install causes client crash
PM20529 Doc - Windows Server 2008 R2 (Intel 64-bit)" not listed as a supported platform for 9.5.1 in MANY places
PM20500 If the measure format set the %, we cannot show the right number when copy&paste the excel data in the Cube Viewer
PM20060 Doc of the TI Fct Expand is incomplete
PM17712 Tm1Server - AllRuleCalcStargateOptimization=T and ViewConsolidationOptimization=F with activated Zero Suppression causes problems in views
PM18115 SAP RFC: TI-Prolog-Section: Cube “ “ was not found
PM15219 Rules: CONTINUE breaks when using N: and S: rules
PM15814 Doc - The two elements INTEGRATEDSECURITY and NAMESPACE of the system dimension }ConnectionProperties are not documented
PM26548 Tm1Server - SaveDataAll does not update feeder files to be current
PM12718 Doc - The sample TM1 server configuration file tm1s.cfg in the manual TM1 9.5 Operations Guide has bugs and is obsolete
PM14446 Doc - Description of Write privilege for Cube is wrong in TM1 Reference Guide
PM18980 Doc - TM1web time out documentation
PM12315 Doc - The Bulk Load Mode is not documented in TM1 9.5.0
PM11884 TM1Web: Acton buttons sized correctly only on initial view
PM18741 Doc - MaximumViewSize default not set properly on 64bit systems
PM09543 TM1 Contributor Column Misalignment
PM10347 Perspectives crashes when you hit the "Stop Building View" button (while trying to open a large view)
PM18384 Doc - TM1web documentation issue
PM16758 Cube Viewer window size (for any given view) not saving
PM15213 TI - Security assignment
PM13879 TI - process parameters deletion issue
PM12510 MDX statement not returning aliases
PM11503 Install - PDFCamp Printer Driver doesn't get installed if only "TM1 Client" component is selected during installation

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